cPanel Licensing - Important Information

  • Tuesday, 9th July, 2019
  • 16:03pm

Late last week, cPanel announced a new pricing structure for cPanel. This change was the result of several months of conversations and modeling to ensure we understood as many use cases for cPanel & WHM hosting as possible. In the days following our announcement, we have heard from many of our Customers, both online and on the phone, and the feedback has been clear. Our analysis of use cases was incomplete, and we underestimated the amount of time that some of our Customers require to implement the yearly license changes. This was a miss on our part, and we are sorry for any concern we have caused as a result.

Your feedback has been taken to heart, and cPanel are making adjustments. Outlined below are changes that we feel are positives for our direct Customers.

Reinstating cPanel Solo Licenses

By the end of this week we will reinstate cPanel Solo licenses in the cPanel Store. They will be available at $15/month on Cloud only. Additionally, we will no longer convert existing cPanel Solo licenses to the Admin package.

Extending Yearly Licenses

cPanel are automatically extending yearly licenses to help with the transition to the new licensing model. For licenses expiring between June 27th and July 20th, 2019, we will give additional time to select a new option in the ‘Managed Licenses” area in the cPanel Store. Please complete your selection no later than July 21, 2019.

Simplified Partner Application Process

The cPanel Store is in the process of being remodeled. We want to simplify the process of becoming a Partner. The cPanel Store release scheduled for August 2019 will provide a dramatic improvement on the process to become a Partner. Keep an eye out for this important change. Customers with a large number of accounts that meet Partner requirements will see a significant discount on our new pricing with Bulk accounts starting a 0.10 USD per account.

Reduced Partner Requirements for Developing Economies

In addition to a simplified partner application process, as described above, we are also lowering the financial requirements to become a Partner for companies in developing economies. We are reducing the minimum monthly spend from $500 to $200 for qualified companies located in developing economies*.

For all our cPanel Store customers who reached out to us to let us know their concerns with changes; thank you for providing your direct and constructive feedback.

The cPanel Store Licensing Guide (, will be updated to reflect these changes over the next week. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our customer support team:


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